Today, boats are more affordable and accessible than ever, allowing more and more people to discover all sorts of aquatic passions they likely never even knew they had. However, it also means there are constantly new, first-time buyers entering the market, searching for good deals, which means there is an equally overwhelming number of sellers out there who are actively trying everything they can to make as much money as possible regardless of how it affects those they take advantage of. The good news is I’ve got the tips that can help you avoid all that hassle. Just take a look below to learn more!
Choose The Right Kind Of Boat
Taking your time to choose the right kind of boat for your lifestyle is an obvious first step. With around 30 different types of water sport, cruising, and fishing powerboats out there to choose from, each with their own perks and features, figuring out what you do and don’t want out of your boat will save you a lot of time.
Decide Between New & Used
For most first-time boat buyers, it’s recommended to buy used to help minimize economic risk, similar to buying a car. If you wouldn’t buy a brand new, expensive car as a first vehicle for a new driver, there’s no reason to spring on a vessel with more bells and whistles than you even know how to handle.
Don’t Be Too Conservative With Size
While it is smart to not go overboard in choosing how large you want your first boat to be, size is not necessarily where you want to cut costs. It may save you a little money at first to go smaller, but chances are, like most boaters before you, you’ll be looking for a bigger boat in no time, which means you might actually lose money in the long run. After all, you’re buying your boat most likely for recreation, and seeing as larger boats are generally more comfortable, safer, and enjoyable than smaller ships, it actually makes more sense to splurge a little more upfront to save you from your own regret and remedial spending later on.
Involve Your Significant Other
While some may think of boats as fun toys, the reality is they can be a pretty big investment, just like any other motor vehicle, so don’t leave your significant other out of the loop. If you plan to share your boat with someone special, let them be involved in the process of helping you choose the right one. They may even have some great ideas or suggestions you didn’t consider. After all, a captain is nothing without their first mate!
Get A Boat Inspector!
You can read up on boats and try to educate yourself as much as you want about different vessels and being a boat owner, but when it comes to determining whether or not a particular ship is worth your time at all, all first time boat buyers should have a loyal, professional boat inspector/marine surveyor on their side. Only trained inspectors/marine surveyors have the knowledge and experience to catch signs of damage and deterioration that others don’t even know to look out for, and I specifically am one of the most comprehensively knowledgeable, loyal marine surveyors and boating enthusiasts in the business – just ask any one of my current clients! To schedule a survey for your own vessel, or one you’re going to purchase, reach out to Christian A. Syoen of CAS Marine Surveyor today by calling 1.810.531.0992 or fill out the form in the sidebar to schedule your free consultation.